Author: Katie (page 10)
July 2012 Newsletter
Volunteer Honored
Clothes To Kids of Denver Meets Challenge
In January of this year, CTKD was honored to receive a $10,000 challenge grant from the Olson-Vander Heyden Foundation. We reached out to our wonderful community to raise $10,000 on our own and we are happy to report that we have met that goal – and then some!
Here are some ways that $20,000 can “Change a Life” a CTKD:
- We can purchase 10,000 pair of socks and 10,000 pair of underwear.
- We can provide 400 wardrobes for the kids we serve.
- We can purchase 2,000 pairs of shoes to cover the feet of children in need.
As we prepare the busy Back To School season, the generous support of the Olson-Vander Heyden Foundation and our individual donors is more important than ever. If you missed the opportunity to support CTKD in fulfilling the challenge grant, but would still like to donate, please mail donations to P.O. Box 260621 Lakewood, CO 80226-0621. You can also drop them off at the store on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 9 am and 2 pm. Our shop is located at 2890 S. Colorado Blvd, Unit M-3 Denver, CO 80222. You can also donate online using a credit card:
About the Olson-Vander Heyden Foundation
“The Foundation’s normal mission is to foster and sustain innovation in the Denver area’s arts community. This will always remain the Foundation’s primary mission. In light of current economic circumstances however, the Foundation has determined to depart temporarily from making grants exclusively to the arts community to account for the unusual material hardship resulting from the nation’s economic difficulties.”